Thursday, September 24, 2009

Position against Health Care Reform Bill

Health Care Reform threatens 80% of Americans, (roughly 130 million people) who receive insurance through their employer through their current insurance. In contrast to the 50 million uninsured who need a government-run system. And the 25 million underinsured Americans.

Reform is considered threatening because it would in effect persuade employers to stop buying private insurance and opt out for a less expensive and lower quality insurance for employees.

A loss of control has been identified because government run health insurance policy would take decision-making from physicians and patients and give it to government bureaucracy regardless of individual needs.

Health Care Reform will also take funds from other successful programs like Medicare serving seniors dependent on coverage for their expensive prescription drug medications to fund it. The worry is that this will result in reduced benefits from Medicaid.

Physicians fear that a government-sponsored program will reimburse them at rates equal to the Medicare program rates (very low) and has not been updated for inflation rates and the recession.

To read further on GOP Solutions for Health Care Reform please read Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt's News.

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